Jahfer's Blog

A Comprehensive (and Animated) Guide to InnoDB Locking


Recently, I had a chance to go deep on InnoDB’s locking mechanisms while attempting to debug some contention in MySQL that only appeared during high-throughput. This post is a culmination of my learnings on how InnoDB locking behaves under common scenarios.


InnoDB only has a handful of locking concepts, but their use and behaviour depend greatly on the transaction isolation level that is active for the connection.

…the isolation level is the setting that fine-tunes the balance between performance and reliability, consistency, and reproducibility of results when multiple transactions are making changes and performing queries at the same time. ~ Transaction Isolation Levels

There are four transaction isolation levels for InnoDB (in order of most-to-least strict):

  • REPEATABLE READ (default)

Locking behaves very differently under each of these, and I’ll touch on just the first two for now. To help explain these concepts, let’s make a table for tracking our book collection:

CREATE TABLE `books` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `author_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `borrowed` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `idx_books_on_author_id` (`author_id`)

INSERT INTO `books` (`author_id`, `title`)
  (101, "The Pragmatic Programmer"),
  (102, "Clean Code"),
  (102, "The Clean Coder"),
  (104, "Ruby Under a Microscope");
1101The Pragmatic ProgrammerFALSE
2102Clean CodeFALSE
3102The Clean CoderFALSE
4104Ruby Under a MicroscopeFALSE

InnoDB Lock Types

Before diving too deeply into the details, we should start with an important semantic that applies to all of the locks we’ll be looking at in this article. InnoDB locks can either be “shared” or “exclusive”:

A shared (S) lock permits the transaction that holds the lock to read a row.
An exclusive (X) lock permits the transaction that holds the lock to update or delete a row.
~ 14.7.1 InnoDB Locking

Like their names suggest, a shared lock can be held by multiple concurrent transactions since they may only read the row. In order to perform a write, an exclusive lock must be obtained, and can only be held by one transaction at a time. An exclusive lock cannot be taken if some other transaction holds a shared lock on the record; this is how InnoDB can guarantee the results of a read performed under a shared lock won’t change while being read.

Locks that are shared will only lock rows in the index used to perform the read. This is because the read needs to be reproducible, but only in the context of how the records were found. On the opposite end, exclusive locks are taken against the primary key of the record(s) which may have a larger impact since all secondary indexes are affected.

Next-Key Locks

This blog post was intended to be primarily about a single type of InnoDB lock: the next-key lock. In an effort to thwart my abbreviated commentary, a next-key lock is actually a combination of two other kinds of locks: a record lock and a gap lock.

Record Locks

Record locks are one of the simplest in InnoDB. It’s a lock taken on a specific row inside of an index. If we want to make sure no one updates our row while we’re inside of our transaction, we can acquire a shared read lock:

-- open transaction
-- perform read
FROM `books`
-- obtain a shared (S) lock
--         ... FOR SHARE; in MySQL 8.0

If we take a look at active locks via performance_schema.metadata_locks, we’ll see that we have a SHARED_READ lock on the books table:

    -> FROM performance_schema.metadata_locks
    -> WHERE OBJECT_NAME="books";
| books       | SHARED_READ | TRANSACTION   | GRANTED     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Multiple transactions are able to hold this lock, and they prevent any connection from updating the book where id = 2 as long as the lock is held. This lock will be released once the transaction ends, either via COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

Now that we’ve seen how to acquire a lock for reading, let’s take a look at how we can acquire a lock for writing a record:

-- open transaction
-- perform read
FROM `books`
-- obtain an exclusive (X) lock

This query is slightly different in that we’ve acquired an exclusive lock for the row, meaning that anyone else who requests a lock for this row will have to wait for us to be done. This is because we’ve signaled to InnoDB that we’re going to change some of the values (via FOR UPDATE) so other updates would be operating on potentially-stale data.

    -> FROM performance_schema.metadata_locks
    -> WHERE OBJECT_NAME="books";
| books       | SHARED_WRITE | TRANSACTION   | GRANTED     |

In this case we see a SHARED_WRITE lock, unlike the SHARED_READ we got before. Confusingly this is not the same shared semantic that we covered earlier; since it’s a lock for a write, the lock is actually exclusive. To avoid going on too much of a tangent, this post won’t go into the special semantics of SHARED_WRITE (IX) vs. SHARED_READ (IS) locks, but if you’re curious you can read about intention locks.

Gap Locks

A gap lock is a lock across a range of values in an index. InnoDB uses this lock type to ensure a set of selected records and the surrounding records maintain their relationship. If a lock is held on a gap, no other statement is allowed to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE a record that falls within that gap. A gap lock may be taken on any index for the table, including the table’s clustered index.

To understand gap locking, we’ll need to understand how InnoDB stores its index records. Using innodb_ruby, we can inspect our records in idx_books_on_author_id directly:

$ innodb_space -s ./data/ibdata1 -T test/books -I idx_books_on_author_id index-recurse

ROOT NODE #4: 4 records, 84 bytes
  RECORD: (author_id=101) → (id=1)
  RECORD: (author_id=102) → (id=2)
  RECORD: (author_id=102) → (id=3)
  RECORD: (author_id=104) → (id=4)

InnoDB is able to lock the space between any two adjacent records. If we list out each pair of records in our index, we can see all of the possible gap locks InnoDB could use inside of a transaction:

  • (-Infinity, (101 → 1)]
  • ((101 → 1), (102 → 2)]
  • ((102 → 2), (102 → 3)]
  • ((102 → 3), (104 → 4)]
  • ((104 → 4), +Infinity)

Let’s take a closer look at the third one in this list:

((102 → 2), (102 → 3)]

I’ve used interval notation here, so the left side is exclusive to the range and the right side is inclusive.

If we take this gap lock, any other connection that attempts to execute an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE will have to wait for us if their record has an author_id >= 102 and an id in the range of 2 < id <= 3.

Gap locks apply to the space between records.

With some high-level concepts down, let’s take a closer look at how these locks are used in real queries.

Transaction Isolation Level: SERIALIZABLE

For statements performed within a SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level, every record read by the query must be locked to ensure no other connection can modify the records being viewed. This is the strictest isolation level and its locking ensure that concurrent transactions can be reordered safely without impacting one another.

For SERIALIZABLE level, the search sets shared next-key locks on the index records it encounters. ~ 14.7.3 Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB

If the SELECT query is using a unique index (such as the PRIMARY KEY), it does not need to use a gap lock since it can guarantee it is only affecting unique records.

However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row. ~ 14.7.3 Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB

Transaction Isolation Level: REPEATABLE READ

Typical applications don’t need the guarantees SERIALIZABLE offers, so the default transaction isolation level InnoDB uses is REPEATABLE READ. A transaction using REPEATABLE READ will perform reads as if they were run at the same point in time (“snapshotted”) as the very first read in the transaction. This allows a consistent view of the database across queries without running into “phantom rows”: records that appear or disappear on subsequent reads.

The only time InnoDB is unable to use the snapshotted record is when it selects rows for an UPDATE or DELETE. In these scenarios, InnoDB must read the most recent version from the database to prevent it from accidentally operating against a stale value. While we don’t need to lock every record we come across (as done in SERIALIZABLE reads), it still means we must prevent other connections from writing records that could affect our statements.

Locks on Primary Keys & Unique Indexes

The simplest case is when a locking query selects records using the table’s primary key:

-- open transaction
-- issue statement
UPDATE `books`
SET `borrowed` = TRUE
WHERE `id` = 3;

Under REPEATABLE READ InnoDB ensures that this update is reproducible; it will always affect the same records because it blocks any other statements from impacting the results. While this transaction is open, no other client may INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE a record whose value overlaps this query.

When using a unique index (such as the table’s primary key), InnoDB does not need to take a gap lock on the left or right of the selected records since it is sure the values matched by the query are distinct from all others. In this example, we just need a record lock on the matching row, preventing others from updating or deleting it while this transaction is open.

A record lock is acquired on the clustered index for our distinct record.

Since we’ve left the transaction open above, the following statement will wait until that transaction is closed before executing:

UPDATE `books`
SET `borrowed` = TRUE
WHERE `id` = 3;
-- this waits until the first transaction exits,
-- as `id = 3` conflicts with the existing lock

In contrast, we can happily insert a record that isn’t conflicting:

INSERT INTO `books` (`author_id`, `id`, `title`)
VALUES (103, 5, "Database Internals");
-- success! `id = 5` doesn’t conflict with our UPDATE

When using InnoDB, working with a unique value (such as id above) is vastly preferred to when the engine cannot be sure of a unique result. InnoDB determines a record is unique if:

  1. The record is selected by its PRIMARY KEY, or…
  2. The record is selected by a UNIQUE index and using all components of that index in its selection

Of course, these two are shades of the same rule as PRIMARY KEY values are necessarily unique by nature. If the index being used to search meets the criteria for a ”unique” value, it does not need to use a gap lock. This is because InnoDB can be certain no possible conflicting values will be inserted as the value is guaranteed unique.

Locks on Non-Unique Indexes

If the statement is selecting records that cannot be guaranteed as unique, it must use a gap lock to ensure the read query performed can be repeated while returning the same result (hence REPEATABLE READ). This is where the semantics of the next-key locking come into play.

If one session has a shared or exclusive lock on record R in an index, another session cannot insert a new index record in the gap immediately before R in the index order. ~ 14.7.1 InnoDB Locking

Let’s take a look at our table and index again since we’ve made some modifications since the beginning:

1101The Pragmatic ProgrammerFALSE
2102Clean CodeFALSE
3102The Clean CoderTRUE
4104Ruby Under a MicroscopeFALSE
5103Database InternalsFALSE
$ innodb_space -s ./data/ibdata1 -T test/books -I idx_books_on_author_id index-recurse

ROOT NODE #4: 5 records, 105 bytes
  RECORD: (author_id=101) → (id=1)
  RECORD: (author_id=102) → (id=2)
  RECORD: (author_id=102) → (id=3)
  RECORD: (author_id=103) → (id=5)
  RECORD: (author_id=104) → (id=4)

From here, we can walk through an UPDATE statement that uses idx_books_on_author_id to investigate its locking behaviour:

-- open transaction
-- issue statement
UPDATE `books`
SET `borrowed` = TRUE
-- select record by a non-unique value as
-- idx_books_on_author_id is not a UNIQUE index
WHERE `author_id` = 103;

Since we’ve selected a record using a non-unique value (WHERE author_id = 103), InnoDB must acquire two locks:

  1. A record lock on the clustered index where id = 5 (this is the primary key of the record where author_id = 103)
  2. A next-key lock on idx_books_on_author_id where author_id = 103
The next-key lock on idx_books_on_author_id: a record lock with a gap lock on each side.

InnoDB must ensure that no other records that could meet this search result are inserted while this transaction is open. To do so, InnoDB acquires a gap lock on either side of the record. If you remember the section on next-key locks, you might recall these locks are actually made up of two other lock types: record and gap locks.

In this example, there are three locks taken on idx_books_on_author_id to produce the next-key lock:

  1. A record lock on (author_id=103) → (id=5)
  2. A gap lock between the record’s values and next smallest values
  3. A gap lock between the record’s values and next largest values

It's important to realize that InnoDB only needs to lock the immediate records surrounding the locked row, so while this query would be blocked:

INSERT INTO `books` (`author_id`, `id`, `title`)
VALUES (102, 6, "Clean Architecture");
-- (author_id=102) → (id=6) would need to be
-- inserted in the gap just before our record

…this query doesn’t get caught up in our lock:

INSERT INTO `books` (`author_id`, `id`, `title`)
VALUES (104, 6, "Clean Architecture");
-- (author_id=104) → (id=6) falls outside
-- of our gap lock range

We aren't blocked strictly on the range of author_id values (which would have been 102104), but the combination of author_id and PRIMARY KEY in the index.

A particularly surprising case comes when working with values at either end of an index. When acquiring a next-key lock on the first or last record in an index and the search does not meet the criteria for uniqueness, InnoDB must lock all values towards positive or negative infinity to make sure no other record overlaps this record’s position in the table.

For the last interval, the next-key lock locks the gap above the largest value in the index and the “supremum” pseudo-record having a value higher than any value actually in the index. ~ 14.7.1 InnoDB Locking

Let’s go back to our table to see this in action:

-- open transaction
-- issue statement
UPDATE `books`
SET `borrowed` = TRUE
-- select the largest author_id
WHERE `author_id` = 104;
One of the gap locks on the next-key lock continues all the way to +Infinity.

In this case, the next-key lock holds exclusive write access to idx_books_on_author_id from just after (author_id=103) → (id=5) all the way to +Infinity!

Since there was no author_id in the index > 104, InnoDB needed to lock the gap up to +Infinity. We’ve now blocked all insertions that contain an author_id larger than 104; oops!

INSERT INTO `books` (`author_id`, `title`)
VALUES (153, "A Series of Unfortunate Events");
-- oh no! lock wait because 104 < 153 < +Infinity

This can be a particularly nasty problem since it’s not uncommon for insertions happen at the tail end of an index. As long as you make sure you’re selecting via a unique index or the primary key, you won’t have to worry about this type of lock contention.


Hopefully you found this exploration of InnoDB’s locking mechanisms interesting! If you're looking for a broader—or more bite-sized—overview of InnoDB locking, I highly recommend InnoDB Locking Explained with Stick Figures by Bill Karwin.

If you like this stuff in general, I have a (slow going) blog series where I’m attempting to build a lock-free cache-oblivious B-tree as a fast cache in front of MySQL. I can’t promise you’ll find any feelings of satisfaction in those posts, but you might just learn something with me.